The Racial Equity Index (REIndex) collective was formed by a dedicated group of people who wanted to explore the lack of and need for a racial equity index within the international development sector. The Racial Equity Index is a global group of BIPOC people (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). All group members are currently all volunteers.
In an effort to protect anonymity (as the work of holding institutions accountable can be met with reprisals from within the global development complex), The Racial Equity Index group member’s names are not publicly released unless the group member themselves have consented to be identified as a member of The Racial Equity Index.
Meet the Team
Tina Ajuonuma
Mutiara Alam
Maria Rebeca Ortiz
Alyssa Bovell
Harriet Mensah-Menson
Lena Bheeroo
Chantal Hildebrand
Aqsa Suleman
Uma Mishra - Founder
Gratiana Fu - Data Analyst
The Racial Equity Index Group is comprised of people:
India, Indonesia, El Salvador, Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom and The Netherlands
Who Identify as:
Black and Afro-Caribbean American
Black - Kenyan American
British - Asian
British South Asian
Puerto Rican
Salvadoran Australian
South Asian
South Asian American
Who Work As A(n):
EDI Specialist, Racial Justice and Philanthropy
Economist, International Development
Founder of Consulting Firm - Intersectional Feminist International Development Expert
Gender Justice Advocate, International Development
Gender Justice and Social Inclusion Consultant
Global Movement Leader, Women’s Rights Activist.
HR Compliance/Programme Manager
Investment, Philanthropy; Startup Consultant
International Development, Ethical AI and Data Usage
Lawyer, Gender Justice
Social Entrepreneur; Social Impact Consultant; Writer
Writer & International Relationship Manager, LatAm & Australia
Migrant women, Gender Justice, Minoritised - BME women, Frontline services.
National Campaigner for universal healthcare, political movement leader and decoloniser